Your First Visit
We are so excited to meet and serve your family!
As you enter our main entrance (near the circular driveway), you will be greeted by members of our congregation who are looking forward to meeting you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. We dress comfortably, jeans, business casual to dresses and suits are all common attire. Before the service starts, bring your children down the left hallway to be greeted by fully screened ministry volunteers in any room your child will be attending. If you are unsure of where to go, please feel free to ask the greeter or stop at our Welcome Center to your left for assistance, they will escort your family to where you need to go.
Upon arriving at any of the rooms, you will be asked to sign into our check-in system which will help us keep your child safe and let us know more important details about your child so we can better serve them while in class. Your child will receive a name tag with their name, any allergies and a code specific to them. Then you as the parent will receive a tag with the code specific to your child at the end of service you will use the tag to pick up your child from their classroom at the end of service.
Nursery, Room 4
Toddlers, Room 3
These rooms are open at both the 9:00 and 10:30 am service. Once your child is signed in and information is exchanged, you will be given a pager so you can be assured to issues or the need for a diaper change (if that is what you choose).
Age 3-5 (toiled trained), Room 5
They will have an interactive experience with an inspiring Bible story, songs, games and crafts.
1st-5th Grade, Room 7
They will be engaged in digging deeper into the Bible with songs, interactive object lessons and a time to reflect and apply what they just learn to their own life.
After you have enjoyed the worship in the Sanctuary (to the right of where you came in), your children will be waiting to tell you all about what they have learned. Children will not be dismissed until their parents or designated adult/ teen with their tag from check-in picks them up.
If you have teenagers, please see the youth page for more detail. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have before arriving at office@fellowshipwesleyan.org