Our Classes
Our Three Year Old classes are designed to teach social and educational skills through play and direct one on one instruction. A caring environment is offered to help your child become more independent, use social skills, and gain cognitive knowledge. Our teachers serve as guides and plan activities based your child’s developmental levels.
2 Day Classes: Tue/Thur OR Wed/Fri Mornings – $145.00/month
3 Day Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings – $180.00/month
Simple Bible stories and truths, prayer, Nativity Play
Calendar, including the seasons, days of the week, and months of the year
Color identification, mixing colors
Painting with fingers, brushes, and sponges
Letter identification, letter sounds, tracing uppercase letters, recognize first letter of name and first name
Listening to a story, asking questions
Speaking - asking and answering questions, singing songs and fingerplays
Science - seasons, freezing and melting, holidays, planting, experimenting, baking, and 5 senses
Social Studies - our families, how we move
Number identification, counting to 10 (forward and backwards), counting objects with one to 1 correspondence, tracing numbers
Shape identification, building and creating with shapes, using manipulatives
Sensory exploration
Sorting objects by color and shape, patterning
Weather, charting and graphing, identifying what is appropriate to wear
Fine-motor activities, which are important for writing, grasping, and coordinating fine movements, include age appropriate grasp, cutting, coloring (copying correct coloring per example), playing with playdough, and gluing.
Gross motor skills are often worked on during outside play and may involve using playground equipment, running, jumping, kicking a ball to a partner, hopping on one foot, pedaling a tricycle and using playground equipment and balls
Social and School-Readiness Skills - how to function in a group setting, with an emphasis on such behaviors as sharing, turn-taking, cooperative play, transitioning from one activity to the next, walking in a line, how to clean up toys and supplies, and following classroom rules.
Self-care skills - putting on their own shoes and coats, feeding themselves, blowing their nose, washing and drying hands, and using the bathroom independently.
During any given day, preschoolers may take part in:
Field trips designed to enhance a lesson, such as a trip to the firehouse to learn about safety or a visit to a nature trail to learn about God’s creation
Sessions with special guest speakers who are brought in to provide more details to a lesson, such as a police officer to talk about safety or a dentist to discuss oral health
Our Four Year Old Kindergarten Prep offers Kindergarten readiness skills developed in a group setting through hands-on exploration. Caring teachers offer support to help your child learn independence, social skills, and mastering the cognitive skills needed to be successful in Kindergarten.
3 Day Classes: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings – $180/month
Preschool-age children are learning to master both gross motor skills (which involve large physical movements) and fine motor skills (such as manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination).
Fine-motor activities, which are important for writing, grasping, and coordinating fine movements, include cutting, coloring (with appropriate colors), playing with playdough, and gluing.
Gross motor skills are often worked on during outside play and may involve using playground equipment, running, skipping, jumping, kicking or throwing or catching a ball to a partner, hopping on one foot, pedaling a tricycle walking forwards and backwards on a balance beam, and using playground equipment and balls
Your future kindergartner will learn how to function in a group setting, with an emphasis on such behaviors as sharing, turn-taking, cooperative play, transitioning from one activity to the next, recognizing emotions and feelings, walking in a line, how to clean up toys and supplies, and following classroom rules.
They will practice self-care skills by putting on their own shoes and coats, feeding themselves, blowing their nose, washing and drying hands, and using the bathroom independently.
During any given day, preschoolers may take part in:
Field trips designed to enhance a lesson, such as a trip to a Farmer’s Market to learn about growing and harvesting or a visit to the Creation Walk to learn about choosing God’s creation
Sessions with special guest speakers who are brought in to provide more details to a lesson, such as a police officer to talk about safety or a dentist to discuss oral health
Simple Bible stories and truths, prayer, Nativity Play
Calendar, including the seasons, days of the week, and months of the year
Color identification, mixing colors
Painting with fingers, brushes, and sponges
Letter identification, letter sounds, writing upper and lower case letters
Listening to a story, predicting what will happen
Retelling a story
Vocabulary development
Pre Reading skills - concepts of print (reading is from left to right, return sweep)
Speaking, asking and answering questions, singing songs and fingerplays
Identifying rhyming words
Science - seasons, plant life cycle, animals, space, frog life cycle, magnets, ocean, healthy foods, 5 senses, dinosaurs, insects
Social Studies - our families, our community, how we move, holidays
House and phone numbers
Number identification, counting to 10-100, counting 1-10 forward and backwards, counting by 10’s, writing numbers, adding and subtracting, measurement, weight, money, time
Shape identification, building and creating with shapes, using manipulatives
Sensory exploration
Sorting objects by shape and color, noticing similarities and differences
Weather, charting, identifying what is appropriate to wear, comparing less, more, and same
Patterning AB, ABB, and ABC patterns
Our 5-day class offers the benefits of the 3-day class with the ability to expand in a smaller class setting. We are able learn letters, numbers, and begin reading through play and games. Science exploration and beginning math skills are taught throughout the year. Our goal is that foundational skills are taught by caring teachers in a fun atmosphere.
5 Days Classes: Monday through Friday Mornings – $280.00/month
Preschool-age children are learning to master both gross motor skills (which involve large physical movements) and fine motor skills (such as manual dexterity and hand-eye coordination).
Fine-motor activities, which are important for writing, grasping, and coordinating fine movements, include cutting, coloring (with appropriate colors), playing with playdough, and gluing.
Gross motor skills are often worked on during outside play and may involve using playground equipment, running, skipping, jumping, kicking or throwing or catching a ball to a partner, hopping on one foot, pedaling a tricycle walking forwards and backwards on a balance beam, and using playground equipment and balls
Your future kindergartner will learn how to function in a group setting, with an emphasis on such behaviors as sharing, turn-taking, cooperative play, transitioning from one activity to the next, recognizing emotions and feelings, walking in a line, how to clean up toys and supplies, and following classroom rules.
They will practice self-care skills by putting on their own shoes and coats, feeding themselves, blowing their nose, washing and drying hands, and using the bathroom independently.
During any given day, preschoolers may take part in:
Field trips designed to enhance a lesson, such as a trip to a Farmer’s Market to learn about growing and harvesting or a visit to the Creation Walk to learn about choosing God’s creation
Sessions with special guest speakers who are brought in to provide more details to a lesson, such as a police officer to talk about safety or a dentist to discuss oral health
Simple Bible stories and truths, prayer, Nativity Play
Calendar, including the seasons, days of the week, and months of the year
Color identification, mixing colors
Painting with fingers, brushes, and sponges
Letter identification, letter sounds, writing upper and lower case letters
Listening to a story, predicting what will happen
Retelling a story
Vocabulary development
Pre Reading skills - concepts of print (reading is from left to right, return sweep)
Speaking, asking and answering questions, singing songs and fingerplays
Identifying rhyming words
Science - seasons, plant life cycle, animals, space, frog life cycle, magnets, ocean, healthy foods, 5 senses, dinosaurs, insects
Social Studies - our families, our community, how we move, holidays
House and phone numbers
Number identification, counting to 10-100, counting 1-10 forward and backwards, counting by 10’s, writing numbers, adding and subtracting, measurement, weight, money, time
Shape identification, building and creating with shapes, using manipulatives
Sensory exploration
Sorting objects by shape and color, noticing similarities and differences
Weather, charting, identifying what is appropriate to wear, comparing less, more, and same
Patterning AB, ABB, and ABC patterns