Sunday Mornings
Welcome to Fellowship Kids!
NURSERY | Room 4
Our nursery and toddler rooms are fully staffed and ready to accept children. Once your child is signed in and information is exchanged, you will be given a pager so you can be alerted to issues or the need for a diaper change (if that is what you choose).
This class is available for toilet-trained children at both 9:00 am and 10:30 am. At 9 am they will be learning about the books of the New Testament and how the early church was started. At 10:30 am They will be learning about creation and how God made everything that we need. They will have an interactive experience with an inspiring Bible story, songs, games and crafts.
1ST - 5TH GRADES | Room 7
Each Sunday morning at 9:00 am and 10:30 am the kids will have the opportunity to learn and grow together in room 7. At 9 am they will learn about different Bible stories and take a deeper look into how events in the Old and New Testament correlate with each other. During the second service they will learn about why humanity needed Jesus as their savior.
After you have enjoyed the worship in the Sanctuary (to the right of where you came in), your children will be waiting to tell you all about what they have learned. Children will not be dismissed until their parents or designated adult/ teen with their tag from check-in picks them up.