Our PRESCHOOL program allows little ones to learn through play and get ready for Kindergarten through exploration and fun!

The preschol program at Fellowship Wesleyan Preschool is designed to engage a preschooler in learning experiences appropriate to the 3 to 5 year old child. We believe a child learns best when allowed to explore his/her environment by: art exploration, pretend play, building and construction, experiencing books and stories on tape, playing games and working puzzles, tactile experiences such as play clay, sand (or rice) and water play, large muscle play (using gym equipment), singing songs, and phonics activities. Children experience many activities each day that foster creativity, develop gross and fine motor skills, encourage socialization and respect of self and others, and promote good listening habits.
We encourage a child’s participation in varied readiness activities in math, social studies, science, language arts, and reading for which the child is developmentally ready. We deliver lessons based on the New York State Learning Standards for Preschoolers and we incorporate the recognition and formation of letters and their sounds, our names, and numbers both in direct instruction as well as through educational games, songs, and finger plays.
Our students learn that God loves them and that He created the world and all that is in it. Every month we explore a new Bible story with them. We marvel with the children as we observe God’s beautiful creations in our natural world. Each day at snack time we honor God by thanking Him for our food.We strive to provide a caring, cheerful environment in which children can feel comfortable as they go about the business of learning to relate to peers and teachers. We desire a happy first experience at school for each child, where he can feel that what he accomplishes is worthwhile and where others treat him with respect. Basic rules of health and safety for children are woven into the curriculum.
We, as a staff, welcome the parents of our students as partners in the teaching experience. We encourage all parents to participate in our classroom activities on their scheduled snack/helper days. In making this special effort to provide a preschool program that meets the needs of each child physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually, we hope to help parents in the awesome job of helping God’s children to grow.
Certified Teachers
Monthly Field Trips
Letter and Number Practice
Parent Participation
Math and Science Exploration
Small Group and 1-on-1 Instruction
Kindergarten Readiness
Pre-Reading Skills
Sensory exploration
Creative Play
Art and Gym
Colors and Shapes
Song Time