Wednesday Night Children’s Clubs run from mid-September to the end of May on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM.
For Grades K-5
Pioneer Clubs: Delta program All in one Exploring God's Word.
DISCIPLES: God wants you to learn to follow Christ in every aspect of life- that's what it means to be a disciple. (John 8:31)
EQUIPPED FOR: God has given you His Word in order to equip you to live like Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:16)
LIFE: Jesus came to earth to live, die and rise from the dead in order that you may have eternal and abundant life (John 10:10)
TRANSFORMATION AND: When you trust in Jesus and allow Him to have control of your life, He transforms (or changes) you to be more like Him. This is what God desires for you (Romans 12:2)
ACTION: It is great to know and understand what God's Word says- but it is also important to be doers of His Word by putting what you know into action. (James 1:22)
Each week the children sing the theme song "Thy Word", have Bible Exploration, A Bible memory verse, skill award time (working on skills for badges), and game time.