Study Groups for Everyone

  • Under God's Grace: God's Heart & Mind in Romans

    Sept 2024 - Nov 2024.
    Led by Norm & Ellen Pries. This is an ongoing class that meets on Sundays at 9 AM in Room 8.

  • Under God's Grace: God's Heart & Mind in Romans

    Sept 2024 - Nov 2024.
    Led by Renee Engels. This is an ongoing class that meets on Sundays at 10:30AM in Room 8.


    A 6 week course starting in September, this is a video study that will unpack our nation's issues through a biblical lens.

    It will meet from 6:30-8 pm on the following Tuesdays: Sept 3, 10. 17 and Oct 1, 8, 15.

    There will also be another session offered on Monday mornings at 10 am on Sept 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 and Nov 4.

    Renee Engels will be facilitating this study in her home.


    ALPHA will be offered on Tuesdays from 6:30-8 pm beginning Sept 10. This 14 week study will help you gain knowledge about who Jesus is, why He had to die, how Christian beliefs apply to your life, and most importantly, how you can share with other people


    This will be offered Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-4 pm beginning Oct 1. Through this 12 week class, you will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what's "normal" in grief.

  • Unlocking the Old Testament

    This is beginning on Friday, Sept 13 from 9:30-11 am. This video series will walk you through the Old Testament and will teach you about the history and culture of the time.

  • The Psalms (Zoom)

    In September, we begin a study of the Psalms based on the book The Psalms: Prayers of the Heart by Eugene Peterson (no purchase necessary.) We will study some of the best known Psalms as well as Psalms that are lesser known and perhaps a little unusual! All group meetings are held over Zoom with Microsoft Word study guides emailed to participants ahead of time. If interested, please contact Brian Segool at

  • All is Well

    All is Well AA Group for all adults meets Saturdays at 10:30 AM. Rooms 7A, B, C and 9A, B. See Jim for more information.

Study Groups for Women

  • Loving My Actual Neighbor

    Led by Debbie Richter. This is an ongoing class based on the study by Alexandra Kuykendall. It meets on Sundays at 9 AM in Room 9

  • Phillipians: Jesus Our Joy

    Led by Colleen Segool & Jean English. This class meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM in Room 8, beginning Sept 25

Study Groups for Men

  • Under God's Grace: God's Heart & Mind in Romans

    Led by Gary Glose. This class meets on Sundays at 9 AM in Room 1.

  • Timeless Truths: Christ's Lessons for Today

    Led by Bob Baldauff. This is an ongoing class also known as Men of God on the ‘back nine’ that meets on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM in Room 8.

  • AA

    Men’s AA Group - see Jim for more information. This group meets Thursdays at 6:30 pm in Room 9A&9B